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VPN (Virtual Private Network)

A Virtual Private Network or VPN is a virtual "tunnel" of the Internet through which data can be exchanged from a computer. VPN refers to a fictional private network.

Reasons for use:

Since everyone in the world is connected to the public network or the Internet, there is a risk that the privacy of information will be leaked. Since there is a risk of privacy leaks when exchanging information directly using the Internet, a secure way to connect to your own network using the Internet is VPN. This method creates an imaginary tunnel on the Internet to connect users and private networks. There are several ways to connect to virtual private networks. You can use some popular software. Or you can access the VPN information from the control panel.

VPN classification

VPN can be divided into several parts. E.g.

1. Tunnels, used in traffic protocols

2. Tunnel termination point,

3. Tunnels, providing security

4. Tunnel of remote access.

A VPN client can connect to a VPN server via an external network interface.

VPN network can be free or premium. Open VPN with a free VPN network. Some VPN networks also offer both free and premium services. However, in the case of free accounts, limited access is allocated so that a certain amount of bandwidth can be used.

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