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History of Hijri year

Hijri Week

(1) يوم الاحد (Yaomul Ahad) = Sunday.

(2) يوم الاثنين (Yaomul Ishnain) = Monday.

(3) يوم الثلاثاء (Yaomush Chulacha) = Tuesday.

(4) يوم الاربعاء (Yaomul Arabia) = Wednesday.

(5) يوم الخميس (Yaomul Khamis) = Thursday.

(7) يوم الجمعة (Yaomul Jumua) = Friday.

(6) يوم السبت (Yaomus Sabt) = Saturday.

It is to be noted here that in Bengali and English the names of the bars and the names of the months are given according to the names of different gods and goddesses but the names of the Arabic bars have been kept in order but no names of gods and goddesses have been accepted here.

It is worth noting that the Arabic word يوم (yaoma) is derived from the word ayam which means arkh din, and the word yum is used after yum. For example: Ahada means one, Isnain (Isnan) two, ..........

In other words, Bari Bar is the first day, Monday is the second day, Tuesday is the third day, Wednesday is the fourth day, Thursday is the fifth day, Friday is the day of Jumu'ah or the sixth day and finally Saturday is the seventh day.

Hijri month

Muharram: This month has been named as Muharramul Haram because it was haram and illegal to carry out any kind of war or bloodshed in this month of ignorance.

Safar: The word tour is derived from cipher. This means to be empty, in the age of ignorance in the month of Safar, when people went out to fight, the house would be empty, so the month of Safar is called Safar.

Rabiul Awal: At the time of naming of this month, the harvest was Rabi, meaning spring. That is why it has been named Rabiul Awal.

Rabius Sunny: Rabiul Akher or the last spring is named because it is read in the last half of spring.

Jumadal Ula: The word Jumada comes from Jumud, which means to freeze. When this month is named, the cold season begins, because most things freeze because of the cold. This is why this month is named like this.

Jumadal Ukhra: The reason for naming this month is that at the end of this month, the water would freeze due to severe winter.

Rajab: The word Rajab is derived from Rajab. It means to respect. Since the Arabs respected this month and called it Shahrullah, meaning the month of Allah, this month was named Rajab or honored month.

Shaban: Shaban is derived from the word Shaban. It means to come out, to be revealed, to be torn. Since the great welfare is revealed in this month, the sustenance of the people is produced and distributed and the judgments of destiny are also distributed. That is why this month has been named Shaban.

Ramadan: The main meaning of the word Ramadan is burning. Since the sins of the believer are burned and destroyed in this month. This month is named Ramadan.

Shawwal: The word shawl is derived from the root word 'shawl', meaning to go out. Here the Arabs would leave their homes and travel. That is why it is named Shawwal.

Zulqad / Zilqad: ‘Zul / jil’ means wala and ‘kadah’ means sitting, since this month is one of the honored months. The Arabs would stop fighting during this month and stay at home.

Julhaj / Jilhaj: The word Julhaj / Jilhaj is probably derived from Hajjah. This means performing Hajj once. Or the word is taken from the word 'his'. This means fiscal year. Since this month falls at the end of the year and thus marks the end of the full year, this month has been named Julhaj / Jilhaj.

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